Health and Wellness

Welcome to A Black Man Inspires, where you can live your best life.  

I’m Clinton McCoy, also known as Coach, and I am a black man who is passionate about personal development and physical fitness.

I have created this website to inspire and motivate you to pursue your personal and fitness goals, no matter your age, background, or circumstances.

My programs are designed to provide you with practical and effective guidance, support, and resources to help you achieve your desired results.

If you want to Optimize Your Mindset for Success and Build A Healthy Lifestyle you are in the right place. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, improve your health, or boost your confidence, I am here to guide you along the way.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more confident you.

Let’s See What Your Goals are and How I can Help?

Getting Fit, Over 40!!!

Get Fit, Look Amazing, and Feel Great at Any Age!!!

Hi, I'm Clinton McCoy, I want to tell you how I went from fat to flat and how I used my journey to create a program to help you.

You see, I've discovered a proven method to reverse the signs of aging and transform your body in just 12-20 weeks. Guaranteed!

It's called my Progressive Metabolic Resistance Training program, where I take a holistic and systematic approach to helping you look great, feel amazing, and achieve optimal health at any age.

My Story:

But I wasn't always this fit and healthy. A few years ago, I was 30 pounds overweight, struggling with metabolic disorders, and feeling depressed and hopeless.

My weight gain came from an accident and other unforeseen circumstances in life that threw me off balance.

I knew I had to make a change, so I used my knowledge of fitness and nutrition to create a new program that would help me get back on track. I called it Holistic Fitness 2.0, and it changed my life.

Not only did I lose the extra weight, but I also gained muscle, strength, energy, and confidence.

I felt like a new person, and I wanted to share my success with others.

That's why I created my Holistic Fitness 2.0 training program. I combine science-based information, high levels of accountability, 100% individualized training and nutrition plans, and body recomposition techniques to help you achieve the same results as I did.

My program is different from any other fitness program you've ever tried, because it offers:

1. A holistic and systematic approach that addresses all aspects of your health and wellness.

2. A proven method that reverses the signs of aging and transforms your body in just 12 weeks.

3. A personalized and supportive experience that suits your preferences, lifestyle, and fitness level.

Are you ready to start your journey to a younger, healthier, and happier you?

Click the link and get your Free consultation.

Join Our Results Team

  • “In 90 days, I went from fat to flat, thanks coach.”

  • "Thank you for helping me get moving and motivated and keeping me accountable, Thanks Coach!"

  • “What a different six months can make. This is easy a great investment. The journey continues.”

  • “Thank you Coach Clint for helping my son with his self-confidence and direction. He looks like a Beast!”

  • "Your Holistic Fitness 2.0 system has help me get unbelievable results and I have been maintaining them, thank you for the empowerment."

  • "Thank you for helping me get in shape to run my first 5K and 10K races! I am feeling younger every day."

  • "Mr. Clint, thank you for getting my son ready for this football season. He crushed it!"

  • "Thank you for my transformation, you have help me make this year one of the best years of my life! Thank You Coach!"

  • "Your workout system has helped me get stronger, have more energy and make more money! The journey continues..."

  • "Thank you for the guidance, accountability, and nutrition plan. You have a solid program."

  • "I have so much to say but you asked for a short blurb lol... "A picture speaks a thousand words!"

  • "It has been a journey, but you keep me accountable even when I am not motivated, thanks coach!"

“Alpha Man Camp”

*** WARNING *** This is Not For Everyone!!!

If are you tired of feeling “less than”, “unseen”, and “undesired”?

Do you want to be more Fit and Attracive?

Do you want to harness your inner strength, build unshakable confidence, and start “Really” winning at life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place.

Welcome to Alpha Man Camp, the ultimate personal development program for young males wanting to become Strong Men and Desirable Men.

 Alpha Man Camp is a powerful and transformative experience that will help you unlock and unleash your full potential.

This is the ultimate personal development program that Guarantees you become Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually Stronger.

Alpha Man Camp is not for everyone!!! It is only for men who are serious about changing their lives and becoming the best version of themselves.

It is for men who are willing to work hard, learn new skills, and grow as a person.

If You Know that You Are Meant for More!!!

Click to Learn More and Apply